Goshuushosama Ninomiya-kun
Animation Studio: AIC Spirits
Released: October 3, 2007
Goshuushosama Ninomiya-kun's story revolves around Ninomiya Shungo, a male student who lived in a huge house. One day, her sister Ryoko sends Mayu and Mikihiro, two siblings who will live with them. Ryoko assigned Shungo to help Mayu to overcome her problem, her phobia, Androphobia,fear of men. Making Shungo shares room and bed with Mayu, and as well take a bath together. Making things even worse, Hojo Reika, the president of the student council and the heiress of the Hojo Corporation, lost in the competition with Mayu which leads her to be their maid.
I knew it from the start... this anime is full of ecchiness... hahaha... and i really don't know why i recently watching this ecchiness... started with kodomo no jikan, no tenjo tenge hahaha...
I know this anime is not as good as the other ecchiness there it's not the best but i can say that this anime is good, though the series was really weird, the characters are really weird but still the anime is pretty good.
i love the story line which will make you more confused and as you are confused you will force to continue watching it.. hahaha...
It was really interesting who will Shungo will ended up, in the near end the love, romance and everything is becoming more interesting but Shungo didn't end up neither with Mayu nor Reika. I can say that this anime is a pretty good ecchi hahaha~
At January 8, 2008 at 1:01 AM , Anonymous said...
a little echiness is nothing if it's funny!~
At February 16, 2008 at 6:48 PM , Aya Empeo said...
ngayon ko lang nabasa comment mo~ hahaha
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